la taula s'estella, la carta no arriba, la pizza s'acaba, el sol ens crema i ens desfà a dubtes,
i jo em dissolc en aquest te amb gust d'arròs torrat en pobles de costes pacífiques
ningú no em deu res, ningú no em deu res
The mass of the music becomes more manageable, perhaps, if it is examined like a genealogical table. The family line is entirely free of prejudice; the principle of segregation is never invoked. Marriages are based on mutual attraction, and take place both within and without the clan. Progeny reveal a variety of inherited traits, some of which remain dominant (in combination with an assortment of others) through several generations; some are sports, which may appear only once, or may be developed in turn into a new strain. This is a very living music.